The Bankert Family Journey continues.......

The Bankert Family Journey continues.......
We are now back in California and loving being near family and the SUN!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

YEE-HAW!!!! I bottled my very first EVER blackberry wine last week that I made in September. It will be ready to drink in August so you wino-buddies better get up here and pop a few corks with us!!!! I look forward to trying this out over some great conversation with my bestest buddies!!!

Too bad we lose this uninhibited freedom......We're enjoying Cassidy's confidence and pray that she always has a healthy dose of it.........(no small feat for a woman!) It's finally warm outside and she just ripped off her clothes and when I looked outside this is the joyous sight I saw!!!

More beauty in our yard..........this is the first time I've seen the iris bloom! I gave them some bone meal and now I get to see their gorgeous colors!

It has been a rainy spring but now that the sun is out the garden is just bursting with life!!! It's so gorgeous!

We stopped at a place called Hello Cupcake today when we were in Tacoma.........cute name and place and yummy cupcakes! Of course Cassidy had the chocolate one with the pink flower and frosting.......

Lupine gone wild! I planted these last year and they came up HUGE this year!

Peek-a-boo.........WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Soaking up some rays/vitamin D at the Dungeness Spit..........windy but gorgeous! Princesses DO wear hiking boots as long as their mommy laces them with PINK laces!!!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day everyone! We just got home from a stunningly gorgeous day at Cresent Beach/ Salt Springs! That's Uncle Bobus out there in the surf hiking to that island........Great day!
Cassidy stayed naked all day yesterday and did her call-backs! Hahahahah!!!!
Cassidy loves her Uncle Bobus!

Yet another tutu.........this is the fairy one from, yes, AUNTIE MARLA!!!! Someone get her outta Toys R Us QUICK!!!!! hahahaha!!!!

Dancing all day long and modeling the Imelda Marco's collection of pumps from Auntie Marla (who went nutz at Toys R Us!!!!)

The day after dress up party and icing licking contest! Cassidy is wearing a tutu from her Nonnie and adorable!

Calling all Aunties.........this is the direct line to all of you! This is a huge hit Auntie Marla!

"Be nice to the Princess and give me LOTS of chocolate or I will turn you into a TOAD!!!!!" (She loves this Auntie Marla!)

Queen Mommy loves her little Princess!

Cassidy loves her new drum and it sounds way better than pounding on make shift drums!

Cassidy opening presents and getting all dolled up in all the Princess Foof that she got!! Too cute! This is one of many things Auntie Marla sent and the stick on earrings are from Auntie Bea and Uncle Ricky! We love and miss you guys!
We moved the party indoors to Nonnie and Poppy's for presents because it got too windy and cold outside. This is the little pink princess cake Nonnie made special for Cassidy! It was adorable and just perfect because no one was then offended by Cassidy licking and sucking all the frosting off the cake! Good job Lois!

Make a wish Birthday Princess (and we'll try to keep the cold wind from blowing out your candles!!!)

Sassy loves playing at the park!

There's Papa! (One of the most generous people we have ever known!) We're so glad you came up......we had a wonderful time with you!!!! See you soon for your birthday party!!!

Daddy's little birthday girl!

Happy 3rd Birthday Cassidy Isabel! We're having a little picnic in the park.......The sun FINALLY showed up just in time for Cassidy's big day! Shiska Bobus is at it again at the BBQ......some things never change!

The coolest little hiker-chick EVER!!!!!

The postcard shot of Sol Duc Falls.......awesome place!!

We took Grandma to gorgeous Sol Duc she is hiking with her little Cassidy......who is a fierce hiker!!!

Grandma Foust and Papa came for a wonderful two week visit! This day we had just been to church and we took a walk and picnicked along the Olympic Discovery Trail. It's such a joy having them here!!!!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I created a blog for my business today so that people up here can go online and see my work. ( This is one of my framed photos of Cape Flattery, WA. that I have for sale. I'm also a part of this creative womens group called Burning Down the House. (Because we all work from our homes.....). We meet once a month to share ideas and information. I'm really learning a lot because everyone is so creative and a few of the girls are really computer savvy and one even teaches. It's really fun and exciting and we will be hosting an art show this September to show our creations.

The wall from Hell is FINALLY perfect and finished! And look! There's a ceiling!!!!! WOW!!! High five Uncle Bobus!

Cassidy helps daddy lay some tile. Good job!!!

Tea Party anyone???

Daddy's girl and proud of it!

Rockin' on the rockin' horse! Go princess cowgirl!!!

Cassidy asked me if she could dress up like a princess then she proceeded to dance on the potty seat (that is in our living room while the upstairs bathroom is torn apart!) and all around the room. She does her own mix of ballet and Yoga poses........too cute!

Someone is TIRED!!! You know your child is beat when she falls asleep with an unfinished ice cream in her hand! Goodnight baby!

"I wanna go beach, mommy!"

Cassidy loves the beach! This is in Port Angeles.

My sentiments exactly!!!! This is the wall from Hell! It had three layers of wallpaper and the last one wouldn't budge. So we mudded, sanded and kilzed it and THEN it decided to come up! Bubbles everywhere so we had to strip it and mud almost the entire thing........and sand AGAIN!!! Nightmare! I hope I never do drywall again!

Nice place for a tub, eh? No baths for awhile for us! Don and Bob have been working all day then coming home and working on this house! We definitely won't be downsizing into a big fixer-upper this time! Don needs a break so that he can enjoy life again!
HA HA HA!!! More toilet humor.........

The remodel continues............and now the pot is out on the deck while Don tiles the bathroom.......Classy, eh? We are now officially called Tortilla Flats instead of Da Blackberry Farm.......ha ha ha!!!

Jesus was in the house for our walkathon!

This is the beautiful spit in Port Angeles that we walked for the Care Net Walkathon. It was a gorgeous day! Cassidy and Lois walked (or rode!) with me. Thank you so much Michael, mom, the Volpster, Helen, Marla, and Ocey! And everyone else who would have sponsored me if I wouldn't have been so last minute on this one! $12,000 was raised for Care Net on this day!