The Bankert Family Journey continues.......

The Bankert Family Journey continues.......
We are now back in California and loving being near family and the SUN!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Somebody put this little ham in commercials! Santa got a real kick out of her little animated self and we were overjoyed that she wasn't afraid of him! She's loving this candy thing too.........she gets it from Santa and from us when she goes in her potty seat. Life is good, eh??

Cassidy went to see Santa at a local nursery. She told him she wants CANDY and she wants to be a fairy. Look how fast ol' blue eyes got herself some candy???????

The Cassidy Isabel show continues........she loves to dance around the room, singing at the top of her lungs and making up songs...........the hands are in the air and she looks like she's worshiping God! It is truly hysterical to behold!

Cassidy munching "stacios" on Thanksgiving evening.

Our dear friend Chris joins us for Thanksgiving dinner and hams it up with some of Cassidy's jewels...........We are very thankful for our life and our friends and family. Just sharing a meal with people you love is such a simple yet blessed thing. Chris' wonderful girlfriend, Suzanne, joined us later as well. It was a low key but really nice evening.