The Bankert Family Journey continues.......

The Bankert Family Journey continues.......
We are now back in California and loving being near family and the SUN!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

I just loved seeing this gorgeous rainbow from God over our church the other night! Thank you Jesus!

Cassidy's sweet friend, Amberwhite.

Amberwhite and Cassidy climbing, hiking, running, giggling and playing all afternoon.......too cute!
Girlfriends Rule!!! Cassidy & her girlfriend, Amberwhite, hit the Farmer's Market in Port Angeles.

Don and I visited the Pittock Mansion in Portland recently..........very cool and highly recommended......

Hello Bandit! We were out taking a winter hike at the beach and Cassidy spied three coons up in the tree......

Cassidy with her organic carrots from Nash's Organic Farm. (She doesn't want those icky old regular carrots now......) We bought a winter share in the farm so we pick up a box of veggies every week at the Farmer's Market. It has been wonderful learning more about winter veggies........I used to avoid them! You just can't beat locally grown and organic for flavor! We're hooked and now going to the Farmer's Market is habit........Our planet sure needs it so it feels and tastes darn good!
Cassidy playing and munching Cheerios with her girlfriends Maddy & Ava at Eastern Hills Church.

Cassidy playing with her friends at Eastern Hills Church. She said a prayer the other day asking Jesus into her heart-----amazing that a 4 1/2 year old gets it about Jesus and it took me 31 years!!! Gotta love it!